May 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Zuiderduin
CET timezone

Poster contributions

Poster Contributions


Betsey Adams: Full release of first-generation Apertif data products

Andrew Allan: Why hasn’t there been more detections of helium escaping from the atmospheres of younger exoplanets?

Hossam Aly: Dust Evolution in Warped Protoplanetary discs

Alessandro Angrilli Muglia: Metal poor stars in APOGEE

Vysakh Anilkumar: Searching for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries with Gaussian Processes

Maria Aslanidou: Expansion rate of the young, oxygen-rich supernova remnant G292.0+1.8

Keith Baka: Escaping Atmospheres - Synthesizing Views

Natacha Barrow: Gamma rays from dark matter spikes in EAGLE simulations

Andrey Baryshev: High Spectral Resolution for FIRSST

Samantha Berry: The impact of radiative processes on electron thermodynamics in accretion disk around M87*

Apoorva Bhatia: Detection of Helium and Water in V1298 Tau c

Sanne Bloot: Catching the wisps: constraining mass-loss rates of cool stars at low frequencies

Erik Bootsma: The potential of X-ray interferometry

Stefanie Brackenhoff: Beyond the Beam Model: Direction-Dependent Calibration Challenges Far from the Phase Center

Caspar William Bruenech: Massive triples on the edge of stability

Alessandra Candain: Origin Interspecial: teaching interdisciplinary skills using astrobiology

Chloe Cheng: New clues to assembly history: Exploring age and metallicity gradients in quiescent galaxies over cosmic time with LEGA-C and JWST

Cristina-Maria Cordun: Hide and seek: Hunting for hot Jupiters at decameter wavelengths

Paula Cáceres Burgos: Merger rates predictions of Black Hole binaries under a JWST scope

Qinyang Dong: ZTFJ222052.10+331451.07: Did the eclipsing WD-RD binary come from a common envelope or stable mass transfer?

Bas Dorsman: Pulse Profile Modeling of Synthetic SAX J1808

Billy Edwards: Towards Meticulous Population Studies of Exoplanetary Atmospheres

Abdissa Tassama Emana: Galaxy morphology as a test of galaxy evolution models.

Krishna Nivedita Gopinath: The Radar Echo Telescope for cosmic rays (RET-CR)

Aniruddh Herle: Understanding the alignment of clusters in the FLAMINGO simulation

Jason Hessels: AstroFlash: exploring fast radio transients

Jason Hessels: LOFAR2.0 - an update on LOFAR's major upgrade

Dante Hewitt: Pinpointing to the lairs of fast radio bursts

Noud Hover: Exploring the winds blown by thermonuclear bursts

Haili Hu: Using the national IT infrastructure at SURF for your research

Jeff Huang: Monitoring Repeating Fast Radio Bursts with Nancay Radio Telescope

Hyerin Jang: Dust analysis of PDS 70 disk observed by JWST-MIRI

Antonios Katechakis: Second Generation Planet Formation Around Double White Dwarf Binaries

David Konijn: Radio search for extrasolar coronal mass ejections.

Elise Koo: ALMA Observations of the Red Rectangle: Searching for Hydrocarbons

Ioannis Koutalios: A cross-power model for power suppression in FLAMINGO

David Krejcik: Improving localization of Fast Radio Bursts using Machnie learning

Joeri van Leeuwen: Observations of FRB20201124A with ALERT and GMRT

Isha Loudon: Investigating the Radar Echo Signal

Maeva Louis: Laboratory astrochemistry: electronic photoabsorption of interstellar functionalized PAHs

Benito Marcote: Zooming into your favourite object at milliarcsecond resolution

Jip Matthijsse: Polydisperse Formation of Planetesimals

Casper Moltzer: Understanding post-RGB binaries through stable mass transfer

Monika Moscibrodzka: Radiative Transfer Coefficients for Relativistic Electrons

Mahdi Najafi-Ziyazi: Loopy Face of Sagittarius A*

Tong Pan: The Environment of Radio Galaxies and Quasars in LoTSS Data Release Two

Theodore Pellegrin: Modeling the Behaviour of Oxygenated PAH Molecules in the ISM

Noa Peters: Investigating the flux anomaly of gravitational-lensed object B0128+437 at 15 GHz

Vanesa Ramirez: Probing the inner depths: a study of the interior complexity of the “ice” giants Uranus and Neptune

Princy Ranaivomanana: Towards ensemble asteroseismology of hot subluminous stars with MeerLICHT and BlackGEM

Benjamin Ricketts: Emulation for x-ray reverberation: faster fitting

Steven Rieder: Simulating stellar winds in binary systems

Jan van Roestel: The BlackGEM telescope array

Karla Rojas-Martinez: The hot accretion disk plasma in the neutron star X-ray binary 4U 1916-053

Lucie Rowland: REBELS with JWST: NIRSpec/IFU observations of metal-rich massive galaxies in the Epoch of Reionisation

Dagmar Rozendal: Multi-messenger follow-up observations using Astro-COLIBRI

Matus Rybak: DESHIMA - a dawn of ultra-wideband spectroscopy at mm-wavelengths

Sophia Schnauck: Gravitational Wave Signals from 3D General Relativistic Magneto-Hydrodynamic simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae

Biancamaria Sersante: Constraining the Galactic Centre with Hypervelocity Stars

Rahul Silie: Pulse profile property diagnostics as an indicator of mass-radius inference quality

Barbara Siljeg: How lonely are dwarf galaxies?

Benjamin Silk: Dust Size Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks

Rasjied Sloot: Anton Pannekoek Observatory poster

Rob Spaargaren: How rocky planet bulk composition affects atmospheric evolution

Gudmundur Stefansson: An extreme test case for planet formation: a close-in Neptune orbiting a very low mass star

Michael Stroet: Hydrodynamical Simulations of Eccentric Mass Transfer

Katrien Uytterhoeven: Become a programme coordinator at NWO, the Dutch Research Council!

Dany Vohl: Topology of Pulsar Profiles

Beth Westoby: A kinematic study of the ALMA-revealed substructure in dusty star-forming galaxies

Sai Zhai: Extend the extragalactic peaked-spectrum sources to 54 megahertz

Yunhao Zhang: Accurate and Efficient Modeling in Weak Gravitational Lensing Cosmology

Pengpei Zhu: The pair NGC 833/835 as a case study of a gas-rich galaxy interaction