May 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Zuiderduin
CET timezone

Social and evening programme

On this 79th edition of the NAC, the API is proud to present an exciting and diverse social evening programme. This will include educational, recreational and challenging activities for everyone!

Monday evening

On Monday May 13th, the traditional evening lecture will be given by Prof. Dr. Katrien Keune (University of Amsterdam), on the topic of the restoration of Rembrandt’s Nachtwacht. Prof. Dr. Katrien Keune primary focus is on the application of molecular spectroscopy for the study of historic paints and their degradation.

The rest of the evening will continue in Zuiderduin's Pub'O'Donnell, with (non-)alcoholic refreshments and beverages.

Tuesday evening

On Tuesday May 14th, API's very own Dr. Martin Heemskerk will host his homemade iconic pubquiz.

For an alternative physical activity, bowling lanes within the venue are available for use.

Zuiderduin's Pub'O'Donnell will again be open for NACers.

Sign-up for both the pubquiz and bowling will be done in-person in Zuiderduin.

Last but not least, Zuiderduin has a swimming pool open for NAC enthusiasts.