May 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Zuiderduin
CET timezone

Code of conduct

The organisers of this NAC want to ensure that this edition is carried out in a professional and safe environment. We expect the attendees of the NAC to treat each other with dignity, courtesy, respect, politeness and consideration. Be respectful of each other's views and opinions, even if you disagree.


The organisers do not condone discriminatory behaviour. This includes behaviour such as physical and verbal abuse, intimidation, harassment and bullying, regardless of a person's background and identity.


NAC attendees may be asked to stop any inappropriate behaviour in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines. The NAC organisers can also ask any attendee that participates in misbehaviour to leave the conference at once.


If you have any questions, or wish to report misconduct, you can contact: Rudy Wijnands (r.a.d.wijnands [at] or Nathalie Degenaar (degenaar [at]