May 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Zuiderduin
CET timezone

Dutch astronomy during the climate crisis

May 13, 2024, 3:30 PM



Violette Impelizzeri


The climate emergency is already here and it is happening faster than anyone expected. This means that not only nations need to consider urgent mitigating policies - with UN and EU regulations now mandating a reduction of emissions by 55% in 2030 - but that we all need to become part of a solution. As such, at institutional level, we should also feel empowered to address this global problem, to help curb our own CO2 emissions and create sustainable practises. Astronomers are particularly well suited to address this topic given how deeply aware we are of the diversity and thriving life of our planet: we know we do not have a planet B to move to. In the Netherlands, the RvdA created a working group to monitor and improve sustainability practises in Dutch astronomy. In this talk, I will present an overview of the activities that have been carried out, a study over the CO2 footprint in astronomy research - where air travel dominates, but is not only factor - and possible paths that are being explored to reduce our CO2 emissions as well as creating awareness via communication, outreach and other initiatives.

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