The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) array used to image black holes by combining millimetre/submillimetre radio observatories into an Earth-sized virtual telescope. I will review the latest findings of the EHT of AGN jets and horizon-scale studies, including new results on Sgr A* that are going to be published end of March. I will then give an outlook for the future of the EHT and millimetre VLBI in general, in terms of science, hardware, and software. I will focus on the Africa Millimetre Telescope (AMT) as the only NL telescope that can join EHT observations. The AMT is planned to be built in Namibia and to be operational in 2028. The AMT and further EHT improvements will facilitate improve tests of GR, plasma, accretion, and jet physics. Next to EHT science, I will describe the AMT's contribution to the broad range of science cases across the NOVA networks in the fields of galactic astrometry, astrochemistry, and rapid response to transients.