May 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Zuiderduin
CET timezone

NGC 5253: Peering into the massive star formation chemical enrichment at pc scales.

May 14, 2024, 9:45 AM



Brigitte Pruijt


NGC 5253 is a Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) galaxy located at a distance of just 3.6 Mpc. The galaxy is well-known for its three super massive young super star clusters (SSCs), and nitrogen enrichment found in its centre. Given its similarity with extreme star forming galaxies at high redshift, studying this object at high spatial resolution can give insight on the chemical enrichment processes at play in the earliest galaxies. Using new Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) Narrow Field Mode adaptive optics assisted data, we are able to trace the interstellar medium, ionised gas, and dust in the giant HII region around the SSCs at resolutions previously unattainable. This contribution will cover the physical properties, including ionisation structure, electron density, and temperature, as well as the chemical aspects such as metallicity and relative abundances of the ionised gas in the closest vicinity of the SSCs. Furthermore, our analysis reveals differences in the derived attenuation-related parameters (E(B-V) and Rv) for each of the three SSCs, suggesting variations in dust properties within these clusters.

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