May 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Zuiderduin
CET timezone

Identifying the most metal-poor stars in the APOGEE survey

May 14, 2024, 9:30 AM



Martin Montelius


The study of our galaxy has been revolutionised in the last few decades by the advent of large scale spectroscopic surveys, providing kinematic and chemical information for hundreds of thousands of stars. The design of each survey is different with unique advantages and tradeoffs. The APOGEE survey is the only stellar spectroscopic survey that uses infrared spectra, which enables observations of the dust obscured inner regions of our galaxy. A drawback to APOGEE's approach is a lack of chemical data for the most metal-poor stars, an important population for the study of the earliest stages of galaxy formation. In this talk I will present a simple method for identifying the most metal-poor stars observed by APOGEE and early results of a spectral analysis of these stars and a kinematic study of the metal poor bulge.

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