Brown dwarfs display Jovian auroral phenomena such as coherent radio emission, which is a probe of magnetospheric acceleration mechanisms and allows us to directly measure the emitter’s magnetic field strength. Radio observations of the coldest brown dwarf are particularly interesting since their magnetospheric phenomena may be very similar to those in gas-giant exoplanets. Here, we present the radio data of J1019, a brown dwarf binary, from 3 different telescopes. From these observations, we shall show that J1019 exhibits pulsed coherent emission that repeats on hour-timescale and present our latest efforts to find a cut-off in J1019’s radio spectrum to directly measure its B-field strength. Additionally, the fact that J1019 is in a binary implies that we can constraint its mass, which allows us to (a) test dynamo scaling theories which predict the B-field strength of brown dwarfs/gas-giant exoplanet, and (b) study magnetospheric interactions which may be powering J1019’s radio emission.